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Planning a faith v non faith funeral?

Planning a faith v non faith funeral?

Should you arrange a faith v non faith funeral? MD, James Morris, explores the reasons why people choose to have a faith led funeral as he reflects on three decades of funeral arranging. I’ve been witness to a striking trend: the move away from religious or faith...

Covid-19 Latest Company advice(28th August 2020)

Even though our branch remains temporarily closed, funeral arrangements can be done 24/7, 7 days a week by telephone or video. We’re also able to provide advice over the phone or by video on pre-planning whether that is our free Plans of Wishes service or...
Prices that are inclusive and transparent

Prices that are inclusive and transparent

We ask. We don’t sell. Anyone that’s ever bought a new car or booked a budget airline flight will have felt the frustration of unexpected or added costs that weren’t made clear when you started the search. In this blog, our MD, James Morris, cuts through the confusion...
Easing of Restrictions – July 2020

Easing of Restrictions – July 2020

We’re welcoming back our fleet of limousines with bespoke, fully fitted screens to ensure the safety of passengers in line with ongoing distancing restrictions.  These high quality upgrades will be rolled out during summer 2020 so that families can use limousines for...